2020-2022  “Friends for Our Planet!”

The project involves six European preprimary and primary schools from Belgium, Finland, Greece, Italy, Romania and Spain and focuses on the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 13 – climate action. This eTwinning project is a part of our Erasmus+ KA229 project 2020-2022 “Friends for Our Planet!”. With our project we will focus on 6 subthemes: energy, waste, air pollution, preserving nature, biodiversity and water. 

Ghidul este realizat din sfaturi pentru protejarea biodiversității

ilustrate de copiii de la școlile partenere


Revista digitală conține o colecție de povestioare realizate de partenerii proiectului


  1. Energie și energie regenerabilă – Romania

Challenges – Provocări 

2. Deșeuri și gunoi – Belgia

3. Poluarea aerului – Grecia 

4. Păstrarea naturii (copaci) – Italia

5. Biodiversitate (hrană , animale) – Finlanda

6. Apă – Spania

2015-2018 – Proiectul Erasmus + “On a Journey with the ARTist”

We are six European schools (preprimary and primary school children) working together on art. Our countries are Belgium, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Romania and Spain. We want to make friends from each others’ countries, learn about art in these countries and, of course, create art – something together and some of our own. This eTwinning project is a part of our Erasmus+ project 2015-2018. We have a special mascot to help us with our work: He is Jan the teddy bear.

Our Erasmus+ Journal: Jan’s World 2016

Our Growing Story


2012 – 2014 – Proiectul Comenius “Pleased to meet you”

2009 – 2011 – Proiectul Comenius “European job and career”